Video Gallery

We love using video to help people understand what we do.

Please enjoy our featured video:

Joan has been employed at the local Mount Vernon Haggen for 16 years and counting. Ask her where to find anything in the store. She’ll tell you exactly where to look. Chinook produced this video during the Haggen Foundation’s Inspiring Change Together campaign, in which shoppers donate to a specific campaign for a period of weeks. The proceeds are split among several community organizations. In this case, the campaign focused on DEI awareness.

Video Gallery

Meet Zack McAdams

Zack McAdams is a busy guy. He holds down two jobs and, before the pandemic, also had two volunteer positions. We're happy to report he's now returned to both paying jobs.

Nathan: Where The Heart Is

When a new assisted living community opened in 2001, Nathan was one of their first hires. Today, nearly 20 years later, he still works as hard as ever.

Where Ability Meets Opportunity

Learn about Austin's successful ten-year as Island Hospital's Mail Clerk. Austin performs his job with excellence and is a highly valued staff member.

From Business Vision to Reality

From Ann's Hands Jewelry is owned and operated by Ann Argyle, a woman with a designer's heart and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Terry Hall: Celebrating 30-years

When Terry Hall celebrated 30-Years of employment at Skagit Gardens, he reflected on the man who helped him get the job of his dreams.

Cathy Johnson Testimonial

Cathy Johnson lost her eyesight as a teenager. Here she explains how Chinook was instrumental in her employment journey. She is a true inspiration.

Steven's Candies

Steven's Candies is a small, local venture supported by a man on a mission to bring a 'sweet spot' to everyone's day. Learn how Steven's effort inspires many.

Employment Services: What We Do.

Have you ever wondered what it takes to work in our Community Employment Services Division? Watch this short video and find out!

Finding Great Jobs

When the job is the right fit, it's a win for an employer and employee. Learn how two men found great job matches and long-term employment.

Garrett's Employment Story

Garrett has been working at Frontier Building Supply since 2013. He loves his job and has become a role model for fellow employees and customers alike.

Who Am I?

Enjoy a community video project sponsored by Chinook Enterprises. We opened our doors and invited people in to answer one question: Who are you?

DEI at the Local Grocer

What is Job Carving? In essence, it's the process of examining someone's job to determine if tasks could be performed by another less-skilled person.