Presenting at World Supported Employment Conference

Nikki presenting at world supported employment conference

Chinook and Trillium Present at World Supported Employment Conference

We had a blast presenting alongside our sister agency to the south, Trillium Employment Services, on June 7th at the second World Supported Employment Conference. The event was sponsored by the Canadian Association for Supported Employment, Inclusion BC, British Columbia Employment Network & the World Association for Supported Employment.

Karen Williams, executive director at Trillium, and Nikki Wegner, CEO of Chinook, started by sharing tips and tricks on employee engagement, retention, and professional development.

They followed that with some tabletop activities to help attendees brainstorm new and innovative methods to better engage their own employees, in efforts to broaden employment outcomes for people with disabilities around the globe.

At the world supported employment conferenceThe presenters ended by asking company leaders to commit to performing even one takeaway to better their staff development methods, company culture, and morale in their own businesses. Who knows what the worldwide impact could be on individuals with disabilities if employee turnover decreased and engagement increased?!!

Many thanks to those who attended and CASE for the opportunity!

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