Make it Personal—Boeing QMIP Award

Boeing Quality—Make it Personal Award

Quality Performance Award QMIT Boeing
QMIT Award

Chinook Enterprises received Boeing’s prestigious “Quality: Make It Personal” award for the second time in two years. Boeing’s Fabrication division unveiled the award just two years ago to spotlight suppliers who achieve exceptional quality standards. Only one supplier per quarter can receive the award and Chinook Enterprises has won it two years running

Achieving such quality depends on people who care and pay attention to detail. That’s where “Make it Personal” comes in. “Empowering employees to understand that their input matters is what helps us maintain our quality standards,” said Tom Williams, Chinook Fabrication Manager. “That’s what we’re celebrating today—our people.”

Chinook’s history with Boeing dates back to 1987 when Chinook began fabricating parts for the 747 Program.

“We could not have achieved this kind of success without Boeing’s support,” said Rob Martin, Chinook’s Executive Director. “The open communication with Boeing’s Fabrication division and our team here is exceptional.”

Chinook Enterprises Fabrication Team
Chinook Enterprises Fabrication Team

Quality. Make-it-Personal. Video
The award was presented to Chinook’s Fabrication team by Boeing’s Renton Plant Quality Staff who braved Sea Fair traffic from Renton to Mount Vernon. Boeing staff came bearing a crystal trophy and gift bags. A company barbeque followed.

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