Local Haggen Supports DEI

Haggen Helps Campaign

Sixteen years ago, Haggen Food Stores said YES to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) when they hired Joan at the Mount Vernon location. Haggen has been a longstanding leader when it comes to hiring people of all abilities. They got on board with DEI decades before the acronym was created.

Joan takes pride in knowing where every item in the entire store belongs. While performing her favorite task of ‘go-backs’ she can place even the most obscure product back on its proper shelf in a snap. Ask her where to find anything at all. Without hesitation, she’ll flash her glittering smile, then call out the aisle where to find it. And there it will be.

You can help support more people like Joan to find meaningful employment when you shop at the Mount Vernon Haggen before August 9, 2022.

Here’s how you can participate: 

  1. Shop at the Mount Vernon Haggen between June 15 and August 9th. 
  2. When you check out, you will be asked if you’d like to ‘round up’ your grocery bill to support ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.’ 
  3. When you say ‘yes’ on the pin pad, the money you donate will directly support Chinook Enterprises. 

It’s that simple!   #HaggenHelps


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