Just The Facts

Last month was National Disability Employment Awareness Month, which celebrates the many contributions of workers with disabilities. The campaign’s goal is to raise awareness about disability employment issues.

So, what did we learn?

  1. Close to 70% of people with disabilities are not in the labor force  in any capacity.
  2. There are more than 10 million Americans who are of working age but aren’t working.
  3. Finding a job is challenging for anyone, but for those with a disability it can be more difficult.
  4. People with disabilities are just as talented and diverse as any of us out there looking for work. They are also working just as hard at looking for a job!
  5. People with disabilities vary by education and training, physical and developmental abilities as well as work experience – JUST LIKE YOU AND ME!
  6. Employers struggle to find good, qualified people. People with disabilities are a huge talent pool that is waiting to be tapped
  7. Workers with disabilities stay at jobs longer! LOWER TURNOVER RATES!
  8. People with disabilities don’t want to be treated differently, they just want workplace inclusion.

VERY IMPORTANT FACT: Chinook Enterprises works with employers right here in Skagit County to tap into a pool of qualified, prescreened, TALENTED candidates.

Here are few facts for which we can celebrate and give thanks:

  1. Last year, 34 people with disabilities obtained competitive employment with the support of Chinook Enterprises!
  2. Chinook Enterprises supports 179 people through our Community Employment Services.
  3. In 2013, people with disabilities supported through Chinook Enterprises, earned over $386,000 in wages!

National Disability Employment Awareness Month inspires me to reflect on how lucky I am to be part of the success of others and work toward this mission everyday.

Chinook Enterprises continues to service its community by embracing their mission of supporting full participation in community life for people with disabilities or other barriers.

Lisa-Knowles, CES Specialist

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