CEO UPDATE: Nikki Wegner

Nikki Wegner CEO Update

Things are heating up in Skagit Valley at Chinook as we move into this beautiful, sunny summertime. To date, we’ve helped individuals start six new positions at the following employers Walmart, Haggen (Mount Vernon), Avalon Golf Links, The Truss Company, and YMCA Early Learning Center.

In 2021, Chinook Enterprises customers have worked a total of 9,087.55 hours and earned $131,883.94 with an average wage of $14.51 per hour. 

Our customers demonstrate purchasing power – they spend their money purchasing goods and services and they help stimulate our local economy! 

After my six months on the job, I continue to be humbled and honored by the longstanding, epic relationships our businesses community members share with Chinook.

Every referral, business introduction, and invitation to tour, affords us another opportunity to share what the beauty of inclusion offers our community.

The sun is shining outside and inside our offices too. Our hearts are full as we get to interact more with our customers in person, remove our masks (post-vaccination) and walk down the hallway, and smile at one another while we work.

These small changes and even the simple ability to hold a safe staff barbeque in July help us reconnect and support each other, in turn, allows us to provide the best service to our community.

We continue to look forward to what Fall holds in-store, more folks returning to work, new employees joining our team with their innovative business solutions, and souls dedicated to service. 

We are hiring, check out open positions here

Moving through the challenges of COVID (and hoping it will remain in our rearview mirror) allows us to focus on the future and all there is to accomplish in 2021.

Cheers to more summer months ahead!